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Support Our Service – Your donations needed for Troop 111!

January 7, 2025
The Scouts of Troop 111 Ventura are serious Scouts doing serious things. Last year alone the troop
collectively performed over 3,000 service hours in the Los Padres forest, Santa Monica Mountains, and
Ventura’s public lands. They removed invasive species, rehabilitated campsites, improved trails
conditions, and removed fallen trees-- all while building an army of friendship, self confidence and self-
And then for fun, they also hiked, backpacked, canoed and drove overland across all parts of California
and beyond. Through their training and efforts, they have been able to explore the Lost Coast trails of
Northern California, backpack the Philmont Boy Scout Ranch in New Mexico, canoe 61 miles in the
Atchafalaya Swamp in Louisiana, and explore the lakes and trails of parts of the Sierra Nevada
All this philanthropy, fun and character building comes at a price, however. The Troop and Scout’s cost
for tools, equipment, fees, food and gas is large for all their work, and without fundraisers, it would be
prohibitively expensive for many families.
We are not here to pester you to buy cookies, coupons or frivolous things. We are humbly asking for any
amount of donation of your hard-earned money to help continue the efforts of these hard-working young
If you can help, please support their service and work of making themselves and our community better.
Your donation will be divided 50% to the scouts as individuals, and half to the troop. That’s it. No where
else. No other corporation skimming off the top. Your donations directly help these young men and
community at large.
Please support them if you can and help them continue their adventures in service. Visit https://troop-
111-ventura.square.site/ to contribute online

EAGLE PROJECT ALERT: New Stairs for Wheeler Gorge Visitor Center

December 21, 2024
Through the ages, different civilizations have celebrated the winter solstice by different means —
Saturnalia for the Romans, Inti Raymi among the Inca, the pre-Christian iterations of St. Lucia’s Day in
Scandinavia, etc.
But here at Troop 111, we celebrated this winter solstice the same way we celebrate most weekends …
with service!
A crew 17 strong descended upon Wheeler Gorge for our latest Eagle Project this past weekend, this time
building out a new series of stairs at the Los Padres Forest Association visitor center leading from the
interpretive area to the upper maintenance shed. A lot of muscle went into this endeavor … cutting,
loading, hauling — these young men are legend.
Another great weekend of labor, laughs and great eats (eggs benedict for breakfast? Who are these
animals?!?). Let’s do it all again next week!
Thanks to Messrs Wright and Wilder for their counsel in seeing this project through.

EAGLE PROJECT Alert: New Stairs on Cistern Trail, Malibu Creek State Park.

November 10, 2024
Troop 111 headed into the Santa Monica Mountains for their service towards an Eagle Scout rank.
This time ‘round, our Eagle candidate led a stalwart crew of 17 Scouts and adults to build and install new
trail stairs along the Cistern Trail in Malibu Creek State Park. It was 2 long days of measuring, cutting,
hauling, hiking, digging, pounding, and putting in the WORK! The crew camped 2 nights and enjoyed
some fine victuals to keep those muscles and those minds fueled for all the labor.
If you’ve been on this trail, then you will be thrilled to have new steps to hike on…….You have Scout
Troop 111 to thank for that. Hearty thanks to Messrs Dydyk and Mitcham with the Santa Monica
Mountains Trails Council who helped coordinate the materials and provide counsel to our young men.
Another brilliant project on public lands — with more yet to come!

Santa Paula Canyon Clean Up

October 13, 2024
In celebration of National Public Lands Day, Troop 111 joined the Los Padres Forest Association
yesterday for a graffiti abatement and trail work project in Santa Paula Canyon.
After several years of regularly working SPC, somehow the troop hadn’t been there since last winter’s
storms — the canyon is looking a lot different these days! Our young men did a fine job as always,
putting the miles in and gettin’ it done!
If you know a young man who might benefit from the kind of service and program Troop 111 offers,
encourage their parents/guardians to reach out to me or any Troop 111 adult or Scout you might know to
learn more!

EAGLE PROJECT ALERT: Pine Springs Campground Improvement

October 6, 2024
Troop 111 headed back to Pine Springs on the Mt Pinos district of the Los Padres NF this past weekend,
where one of our Eagle Scout candidates led a service project building and replacing several campsite
tables, refurbishing signage, and restretching some perimeter barrier cable around camp.
It was a hot, buggy affair but the crew put in long days and got it done — because of course they did!
Saturday evening the team enjoyed the traditional tri-tip barbecue, hosted by the Eagle candidate.