December 21, 2024
Through the ages, different civilizations have celebrated the winter solstice by different means —
Saturnalia for the Romans, Inti Raymi among the Inca, the pre-Christian iterations of St. Lucia’s Day in
Scandinavia, etc.
But here at Troop 111, we celebrated this winter solstice the same way we celebrate most weekends …
with service!
A crew 17 strong descended upon Wheeler Gorge for our latest Eagle Project this past weekend, this time
building out a new series of stairs at the Los Padres Forest Association visitor center leading from the
interpretive area to the upper maintenance shed. A lot of muscle went into this endeavor … cutting,
loading, hauling — these young men are legend.
Another great weekend of labor, laughs and great eats (eggs benedict for breakfast? Who are these
animals?!?). Let’s do it all again next week!
Thanks to Messrs Wright and Wilder for their counsel in seeing this project through.